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Vekevia Tillman-Jones, MBA, CFP®

Financial Planner and Business Coach

Vekevia is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional by trade and a business coach and life coach at heart. 

She has been in the financial services industry for 17 years, working in a variety of positions, in management, retail banking, portfolio consulting of high net worth clients, contributing to research reports, and providing financial coaching to people from all walks of life.

Over the years, those experiences pair well as Vekevia gets in the trenches with start up and growing companies, and works closely with business owners and leaders to take their businesses to the next level. She enjoys the opportunity to coach people from all walks of life to take steps to define what they want out of life, their businesses, and their finances and tailor their behavior, so they can reach their own “state of wellness”.

Vekevia is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, wife, and mother of 2 boys. She lives in Orlando, FL.

Outside of that, she enjoys podcasts, coffee and weightlifting.

Articles by Vekevia Tillman-Jones:

Vekevia Tillman-Jones' financial and business expertise has featured in: